Friday, November 19, 2010

Shabamzy Advice #310: J as in Jungleboogie

Shabamzy Advice #310: What's in your name?

We've all done it on the phone.  Spelling out your name and using a word that starts with the same letter to make sure the person understood it correctly.  After a particularly dim individual just couldn't get my name right even with the extra word clues on the phone I found myself wondering if it would help if I jazzed up the words a bit for impact.   So take a moment and follow along with cool words of your own.


J as in Jungleboogie
U as in Upskirt
S as in Sumpin Sumpin
T as in Tiger rodeo
I as in Intervenes drugs
N as in Narwhal (the greatest animal on earth!)

Picture yourself knocking those out to some spud cruncher from the phone company that needs your name fifteen times so they can pedal their horrendous crap (Rocket stick I'm looking at you) and getting a well deserved laugh.

Shoot me a message with your name spelled out this way.


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