Thursday, November 11, 2010

Shabamzy Advice #304: Regarding Remembrance Day

Shabamzy Advice #304: If you were part of any battle that has occurred in human history. Which one would you choose? WWI? Waterloo? Thermopylae? 

The idea here is to picture yourself in actual combat. Something most people have never experienced. Feel the fear and adrenaline mix with the horror of people in pain.  Take away the movie images and video game violence and try to listen to the sounds of guns and dying.  It should make you sick a little.  With modern warfare we can remove the person to person contact of stabbing, hacking, the clash of shields. Yet picture yourself holding a spear and driving it through someone else. 

What glory do real soldiers feel when they have killed to survive. I'm not sure, perhaps a real soldier can elaborate.  Is there a thrill or joy when your side wins?  Do you experience any pride when you've overcome the final test of mortal combat? I'd really like to know.

Can we on this November 11th imagine ourselves in the midst of war beside the veterans we see in the streets, the veterans in our families and the soliders we have on bloody soil right now.  Thank them for your freedom, the warm place you are sitting to read this and the fallen; the brothers and friends who fell beside them.  Thank them and remember them.


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