Friday, November 12, 2010

Shabamzy Advice #305: Fear of Travel

Shabamzy Advice #305: What countries would you be afraid to travel to and why?

The issue here is what makes people afraid, is it the language barrier?  Do you feel the country is unsafe and if so why?  People work on their own biases about why a country is dangerous or undesirable but I wonder if anyone has the actual statistics or real first hand knowledge regarding level of safety?

In my head, Bolivia is dangerous because of drugs wars, my lack of spanish and getting kidnapped. I have no hard data that says this will happen, I just think it from small news stories, people talking and some images i've seen on T.V.   There is a good chance I'm correct and it's more dangerous than Canada.  But how much More dangerous statistically I don't know.

Your brain can trick you into believing a place that might otherwise be a great adventure is off limits for you.  Hopefully you can work around this and take some risks.



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