Shabamzy Advice #309: How close would you have to be with someone to aid and abed them if they broke out of prison.
Are you the danger seeker who would help an old high school classmate you used to toke with in the forest behind the portables? If you got that call late at night that he/she'd be sprung and needed clothes, money and a gun would you assist?
Now how about a real close friend. Your best buddy in the world broke out and needs a syringe so he can drug a bank guard and get enough money from the heist to live like a rap star in the Bahamas. Do you call the cops and have his criminal ass tossed back in the slammer? Or do you risk the hard time yourself and fly down with him. What part of you wants to live that story? Are you morally straight enough to send him back.
Last, your Mom did some bad things in her life and spends her days sitting on a cold cot in her cell. One day she shows up in an orange coverall and needs your rent money? Now do you aid her, or are you on that blackberry doing the 911 dance?
Where along the scale of morality are you with these things?
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